
The "I'm fine" trap

a joyful duty 9:43 AM

Adventures and realizations

a joyful duty 9:45 AM
Feeling inspired by Jenna's Big Sur video (I don't even want to talk about my slightly creepy love of these videos and those families and how cute those kids are etc etc etc) and by this Verily article about breaking up with your tv. Yikes, preaching to my heart, sister. We live in Colorado now. I have not climbed a 14-er yet. Mostly...Read More

7QT: Making stuff

7qt 3:12 PM
Hooray for many photos (many that I already posted on instagram (follow me there))! //1// This gif kills me. The Pope and Cardinal Wuerhl and the whole thing. He's basically the cutest ever. I'm half sad that he's no longer in the US and half relieved that I don't spend all day at work checking in on him and crying when he kisses...Read More

Hey hey hey

catholic 9:20 AM
Friends. How are you? I always feel like after I post a semi-successful post (like an embarrassing OBGYN visit) and receive many more views than normal, I experiencethis kind of funk where I don't want to write another post because how could I ever top awkward-naked-stories? But, here I am mostly because of my blogging life coach, Hannah and because she added me to...Read More

7QT: OBGYN adventure

7qt 10:53 AM
Linking up with Kelly with these 7 Quick Takes. Mostly I'm documenting this so I can forever memorialize one of the few times in my life I felt truly embarrassed. Warning: this is an embarrassing story while I was at the OBGYN so beware of anatomical (and childish nicknames) terminology. ONE// After experiencing some really awful emotional PMS nonsense, I finally woman-ed up...Read More

Bits and bobs #2

2 11:04 AM
1. I don't mean to start this post off on a personal note but I just need to know. There are many warning signs that my period is fast approaching; I get so bloated, I eat everything, sugar makes me lose my mind (legit crazy), etc. But the biggest one is that on the morning of the day I get my period I...Read More

You Got a Good Life

heather 12:01 PM
Heather posted this amazing quote the other day: “Wouldn’t it be a shame if you were living a wonderful life and didn’t even notice?" She didn't post an author, which makes me think maybe she said it. She is very wise. And so hilarious. Or Prison Mike said it. You got a good life...you got a good life But I read it and...Read More

Marian super punch

hope 2:17 PM
Recently I finished a great book called "Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness" by Warren H. Carroll and it blew my mind. Carroll has a PhD in History from Columbia University (also he founded Christendom College) and writes in a way that is historical and incredibly engaging. I thought I knew a lot about Our Lady of Guadalupe, but Carroll...Read More

Here we go again

8:26 PM
So I was a little MIA for awhile... Har har har. But Hannah is a bit of a pusher and I honestly did miss writing, but for awhile there wasn't really a lot going on. Unpacking, organizing, cleaning, finding the grocery store, rejoicing at the price of food here (yes yes yes), and visiting Nebraska. I was back home for basically a month...Read More

What up, 80228

a joyful duty 11:38 AM
We made it! Our grand moving plans did not go as...planned. Which is a nice way of saying that the poop hit the fan. Or the pee...? Too soon? Too far? As one of my favorite priest says, if you don't laugh you'll cry. So we moved in to our great apartment in Lakewood, CO! Our parents were straight up champions and our...Read More

I am a child

a joyful duty 9:42 AM
The irony of my last post being titled "I am fire" is not lost on me as I sit in discomfort while my...business feels like it is on fire. Sometimes, Jesus lets you know that you are good and worthwhile by telling you and sometimes He shows you by allowing you to get a raging UTI and putting you out of commission. We...Read More

I am fire

a joyful duty 6:30 PM
Today was one of those days where I sat on the floor in tears and wondered if I could actually get it all done. Can I finish up this missionary year and fly home for a wedding and then fly right back home and move again? Also why do we have so much stuff? Like books and silverware and socks! Socks take up...Read More

An ode to Berkeley

bay area 3:34 PM
Except it doesn't rhyme. Apparently an "ode" is supposed to rhyme. Regardless, moving forward! I want to be fair to the Bay Area. I know there has been a lot of griping and complaining on this blog about Berkeley, this area, CA in general. So I want to clear the air. Yes, there are many things I dislike about the Bay Area (constant...Read More

7 QT full of emotions.

7qt 12:03 PM
I'm a feeler. I think I've mentioned this before. There was a brief time in college when I convinced myself that I wasn't a crier or a feeler but that was a farce. Here are some things that are causing me feelings this week! //1// Stinkin' Nike Commercial This makes me cry. Sometimes just eye-tears that don't leave and (mostly) silent-slidey-face-tears. //2// Moving...Read More

freedom in positivity

a joyful duty 12:14 PM
Sometimes I don't publish a blog entry because I'm worried it isn't the "right" kind of blog post. Like because it doesn't fit some kind of blog standard (that I've made up in my mind) that it isn't good enough to be published. But then I remember that no one is paying me to write anything. And that this is my blog. And...Read More

Glorious Easter

a joyful duty 9:18 PM
 It's Easter and He is risen. Let's just dive right in. This Easter hit me harder than any other Easter, maybe ever. I know that is a mighty claim but Holy Week hit me like a ton of bricks and celebrating the Vigil on Saturday set my weary heart free. John and I have been in the "achieving" mode for NPF since we...Read More

Thanks, Pinterest!

a joyful duty 3:38 PM
Initially, I was very skeptical about Pinterest. Like, I didn't get the point of it. And until recently I basically only use it to look at clothes I'll never buy or find cute typographic Bible verses. But now I'm hella domestic and I cook in the kitchen. I'm finally using Pinterest and pinning things to my food board and then cooking that food...Read More

Spring break

adventures 8:45 PM
We did it. We survived having house guests. Specifically my brother and his now *fiance* aaaaaaayyyyyyyy! Like Blake said, we started the trip dating and now we aren't. So smooth. He had some real gems this trip. We started in Yosemite and hot damn. We stayed in the cutest little cabins ever and we found a Living Social deal online so it was...Read More

It's March...?

a joyful duty 12:15 PM
Somehow it's March. I don't know how that happened. I blame it on the fact (and I'm not complaining) that the weather here is basically a constant 60ish degrees. I cannot fathom the passing of time because the weather isn't giving me clues. It's so bizarre. Let's just recap Feb-until now! Lent started, so that's crazy. Are you signed up for Blessed is...Read More

media frenzy

a joyful duty 4:27 PM
If you are connected to me via facebook or instagram you have already had your fair share of this media frenzy. BUT I also have this bliggity blog so I can continue to enthrall you all. First thing's first: wedding photos. We got ours. All 23498984 of them. They aren't that many, but seriously there might as well be. So my question is,...Read More
