
You Got a Good Life

12:01 PM

Heather posted this amazing quote the other day:

“Wouldn’t it be a shame if you were living a wonderful life and didn’t even notice?"

She didn't post an author, which makes me think maybe she said it. She is very wise. And so hilarious.
Or Prison Mike said it.

You got a good life...you got a good life

But I read it and I realized that I am living a wonderful life and I haven't noticed. After moving our lives were so full of the mundane cleaning, unpacking, purging junk, organizing, figuring out how one of us can work 9-5 and the other one can be at home all day and not go insane. Just the usual moving woes. But now that some of that has died down I realize my brain is still in this stressed-out-everything-is-weird mode. 

But my life is great! This is not meant to be a brag post. I have an amazing husband, a great apartment, a wonderful family, friends that I cherish, and a faith that I love. My life is amazing. I hope and pray that even if it wasn't amazing that I would still praise God. But if I can't even praise Him when it's great...then how deep is my faith...really?

I think when we make this kind of realization of ourselves it can be really easy to get hella introspective and spiral into this woe-is-me-I'm-literal-trash, which is normally my go to. However, these realizations aren't meant to ruin us, they are meant to free us. It's like the time I work my shirt inside out to work and then at lunch someone was like, "Caitlin, I think your shirt is inside out". It would be INSANE if I just sat at my desk and cried about how my shirt was inside out and didn't fix it.

So Jesus is telling me that my shirt is inside out. And I agree. You're right, Jesus, it totally is. And now I will flip it rightside out. I don't know if anything of this makes sense but I know in 2-3 years I'll be bumming around online and will randomly find this and it will speak to my weird heart again.

Like how hilarious I find this image of Frida Cathlo.

Have a great Sunday. Thanks for reading and being my friend.

Follow me on instagram for better material (caitlinwoj).

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