
7QT: Making stuff

3:12 PM

Hooray for many photos (many that I already posted on instagram (follow me there))!


This gif kills me. The Pope and Cardinal Wuerhl and the whole thing. He's basically the cutest ever. I'm half sad that he's no longer in the US and half relieved that I don't spend all day at work checking in on him and crying when he kisses babies.


Hannah commissioned me to do some sort of something featuring the Holy Family (I haven't forgotten, Hannah!) and in my research I found this painting. I love this so much. I mean, put aside the fact that baby (?) Jesus is huge (and ignore the watermark), but I love the completely exhausted St. Joseph, I love the peaceful and beautiful Mary, lounging and breastfeeding the Savior of the World, nbd. And rocking some very stylish milkmaid braids.


My friend and artistic icon, Devon found this gem at a thrift store and gave it to me, It's ahmazing. It's hanging up in our apartment much to the chagrin of my mother and potentially, also my husband. 


My family (minus a brother and that brother's fiance) were in town last weekend and it was so great. We went to the Denver Zoo, which was awesome, and we took a lot of naps, watched a lot of football, and did a lot of shopping.

My youngest brother (in the middle, fyi) is basically a grown ass man and is taller than me and definitely smarter than me. 

Living in Berkeley and being forever away from my family has made me so grateful to be only 7 hours away. 


John was gone for 4 days earlier in the week at the Adobe Max conference in LA because he is fancy. And because the whole marketing team went. It was a bunch of nerds nerding out about Adobe software and getting free cameras (that's a $1400 camera that we got for free) and seeing Fitz and the Tantrums live, AND seeing Nick Offerman as he emceed some event.

Basically, my husband is the coolest.


Can I get a "hells ya" for fall? It rained for two whole days here and our office (which is in the foothills) was enveloped in fog and it was amazing. It made me break out my moody music playlist (James Vincent McMorrow/Early in the Morning, Bon Iver/For Emma, Forever Ago, and Woodkid/The Golden Age). I also broke out ALL the sweaters and I am so jazzed about it all.

The snow came back to the mountains (it melted already but I have hope it will be back for good) and it made me feel things.


This makes me feel old, but I'm really thankful for seasons. I don't just means in terms of weather, but seasons of life. This summer was a hard one for me. Too many transitions, too much down time, zero structure and zero prayer. It was hard for me to see that there would be an end. But, PTL, nothing lasts forever and summer has faded into fall and I have structure, I have free time and work time, and I have prayer again. It's so good to see now that things change, that I can get through tough times, that darkness isn't forever.

/end existential ramblings

Bonus! I'm doing a Year of Making! Which is just some artsy thing where I try and make something everyday. I can't sit around and just wait for inspiration to hit me, I need to be working out those creative muscles. You can follow my (slow and not regular) progress on instagram.

Here's what I did today! A brown bear that I painted with espresso grounds because I live in CO now and am a hippie,

Many blessings.

Follow Kelly to check out more Quick takes!

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  1. My husband doesn't understand why I am lying on the floor in stitches. He should read this post. I can hear your voice and your phrasing in my head as I read, and I can see John's face as you're saying it. Side. Splitting.

    1. Logan doesn't get me like you do. I'm glad you are pro-me-blogging :) I miss you guys.

  2. Have you ever considered illustrating a children's book? #thatbeartho

    1. It's crossed my mind...maybe I'll open an etsy shop and test the waters? Just go full hipster-artsy-fartsy.

  3. Second hard store finds like that are what keep me thrifting. It truly is the cat's pajamas.

  4. 1. Devie is the best. I miss living with her/seeing her.
    2. When did Joel grow up? Where is that cute little Asian kid I met when you moved here?
    3. Free $1400 camera is AMAZING. So cool!
    4. Seasons are nice. My season of prayer life right now is like...what is prayer?? haha, I'm struggling. Thanks for reminding me that it can and probably will change.

