How are you feeling today? Hopefully you are living the dream and maybe soaking in some sun. Mondays are hard. Welp, this one is almost done but here are some pick me ups for Mondays. 1. Guys, I have the palest skin in the world. Truly. During the summer I burn. I freckle, but I also burn. There is not tan (unless you...Read More
--- 1 --- Guess who's back back in Pittsburgh. Me. So that's why I haven't posted in many moons. I only received one threatening text from Hannah so no harm no foul. So because I've been sans internet for a long time these Quick Takes will be really easy to whip out, right? --- 2 --- Right. --- 3 --- Shout out to...Read More
Linking up with Jen who is my new favorite person for going to a Snoop Lion concert and having a conversation with a rap battle guy. Stop it. But don't. --- 1 --- Have you heard of SoulCore? One post I wrote about it and thought about buying it and then I did and today I did it with my mom and...Read More
I'm jonesing for world's worst blog titles. I'm linking up with Hallie at Moxie Wife because I can definitely share with you Five of my Favorite things! 1. Jimmy Fallon True life, I have a mad crush on Jimmy Fallon. I love him on SNL, I loved him on his Late Night show, I love him now on the Tonight Show. Here's a recent...Read More
I am very good at jumping on bandwagons way late in the game. Like so late the bandwagon has stopped rolling all together (just in case you are wondering). Boring long story only a little shorter, I'm rubbing Coconut oil on my raw and chapped nose in some hope that it will work its magic. I know Katrina wrote a post about using...Read More
Since my last post was such a downer and about snot I figured I would link up with Blessed to Be and her Little Happies post. First! It is 60 (SIXTY) degrees in Lincoln today and I might just publish this post as is because what on earth can top that. Amen, praise Jesus, thank You. I wore birkenstocks without socks and it...Read More
That's what my mom said to me when I woke up this morning with the nastiest cold I've ever had. I always (always) get sick when I come back home so this time is obviously no different. My nose is stuffed up, my throat feels like a game of minesweeper except all the squares are mines, and I can't hear out of my...Read More
I'm not linking up this week because it's Thursday and I'm cheating and writing this now, so unfortunately my blog view count will remain at a meager 4 and not the rowdy 30 it sometimes does when I link up with Conversion Diary. ONE Last night Rachel very timidly knocked on my bedroom door around 11:30pm and before I said "come in", I...Read More
God bless, March. Mostly because it isn't January and it isn't February and that means that time is actually progressing and I don't live in a grey haze of a snow globe, aka, Pittsburgh. But don't mind me as I wax poetically about the never ending headache that is this polar's March! Guess who downloaded Overgram? Moi I know what you're thinking,...Read More
I hate making New Year's Resolutions but I sure do love picking Saints of the Year. This year I was on a bus to a FOCUS Conference in Dallas and picked my first saint from a bag. And then I moved to Pittsburgh and the secretary at the Newman Center told me I could pick a saint from their basket and, not wanting...Read More
I call this week the Week-I-Didn't-Even-Blog-One-Time-and-Jen-Fulwiler-Did-A-Seven-Day-Seven-Post-Challenge, but I'll shorten it to Fail Week. Lately, I've been failing a lot. Being a missionary is a strange job where it's nearly impossible to determine whether or not you are doing a good job. That sounds like a cop out so I'll elaborate. There are certain things we should do (daily prayer, daily Mass, Holy hour,...Read More