
Five Favo(u)rites

5 12:05 PM
Five Favorites! Linking up with Fountains of Home who has beautiful babies and beautiful glasses. Two of my favorite things, but not on this list (for now!) 1. Kindness My grandma died unexpectedly two nights ago and it's been really hard to be here in Pittsburgh while my family is in Nebraska and my dad is in Ohio with his brothers. Thankfully I'll be...Read More

Bits and Bobs #1

a joyful duty 8:29 AM
I'm numbering this because I'm assuming I will write many more posts with this title. Planning ahead. I saw Swan Lake on St. Valentine's day! The whole night was crazy and stressful and I felt like such a mom. Our group was 13 (!!) strong and we all had to get on the city bus and ride into downtown Pittsburgh and then find...Read More


a joyful duty 5:03 PM
I love Sundays. I love them especially now that I am a missionary and not in school. No more are Sundays full of panic and hasty attempts at homework, now I sleep and go to a late Mass and pray and (apparently) bake bread. Crystal (one of my teammates here) gave me a recipe for a whole wheat free-form loaf that doesn't have...Read More

[7QT] San Valentin!

7qt 8:10 AM
--- 1 --- Quick throwback to last Valentine's Day; I was scheduling a colonoscopy sooo this St. V Day is already a million times better.   I don't get real into Valentine Day things but I did paint my fingernails a festive coral color and wore a grey cardigan with a few pink stripes, so, there you go. --- 2 --- I finally got...Read More

A little domesticity

a joyful duty 10:27 AM
Perhaps you read this blog because you are waiting for me to help you level up in areas of domesticity. Well, consider your prayers answered. Here is my first official recipe. A Joyful Duty's Measuring-is-for-Ninnies-and-I-ain't-a-Ninny Cereal Bars Ingredients: -1 bag of marshmallows (big ones, minus one because you wanted to make sure they were fresh. They were) -A big scoop of margarine (you...Read More

Stinging like a bee

9:08 PM
Two posts in one day? It must be important. Or I'm late night (almost midnight here) blogging from bed on my phone because I've had A Day. I've been praying for detachment, an ordered relationship with the world and things in it, a greater dependence on God, all those good things. I thought I was pretty good at those things; I got a...Read More


caitlin 11:26 AM
Mondays, right? Woof. Let's just cut to the chase Here is my To-Do list for 2014 1. Stop being afraid of St. Therese I always have been. I'm one of the 1% of Catholics who are scared of the Little Flower. I mean, seriously, what is my deal. But not anymore. I've decided now is the acceptable time to get to know her,...Read More

Happy Tithe-day

cassie wilson 12:39 PM
Here's something I've decided to do. Every Friday (hopefully) I am going to share links to some places that I would encourage people to donate/tithe to. Why? Because I'm bad at tithing. I forget to, I make excuses, I hem-and-haw about it and it never gets done. I also believe that if people are presented with opportunities to share their time, talent, and...Read More

SIETE Quick Takes

7qt 11:45 AM
   Because last time I had 33 views! I know, it's out of control --- 1 --- Sometimes I find myself getting a little down. Maybe it's the snot-chilling, eye-freezing, skin-cracking cold weather that has permeated Pittsburgh, or maybe it's because this job is hard and the devil hates it.  Probably a combination. But today was one of those days where I just...Read More


a joyful duty 10:21 AM
All day yesterday I was like, remember to take a picture of what you're wearing because that's a bloggy thing to do! I obviously forgot. I'd like to blame the Super Bowl but I barely watched it, and what I did watch was not that exciting. I have decided that Bruno Mars would be beautiful woman. That bone structure? Unreal. I also realized...Read More


caitlin 5:02 PM
Excuse me while I rejoice heartily in the fact that January is over. It's not that January is an objectively terrible month but I'm just glad it is over. Moving and starting a new job is hard, but I feel like the first month doing something new is the hardest and now it can just be smooth sailing. Yeah, right. Also, February is...Read More
