Cook time sweet potatoes Basically a million years. Why does it take so long to cook them? Do they take a million more hours than normal potatoes? Or am I just that impatient when it comes to that delicious orange tuber? What is kombucha? A mushroom that hippies eat. No gracias. Bed bug bites We don't have them. Whew, PTL. Is it...Read More
Y'all. I'm getting married in 52 days. This is how I feel about it: But food can't help me make decisions. So here are some things I need some advice about. How should I wear my hair? Wedding favors? What are some nice ones? I'm fine with DIY because, to be honest, I could recruit a bunch of wonderful college women to help...Read More
Hannah has mentioned multiple times that she doesn't know what Berkeley looks like and would like me to send her photos. That sounds like a lot of work. Also I don't want to stand out and take photos because people will know that I'm new and it will ruin my street cred. So instead I'm taking y'all on a digital tour oooooooh Using...Read More
Bad news first: we didn't get that apartment either. Wah wah so sad. Ugh. Pity party. Okay, now that we've moved on. We saw the Avett Brothers this weekend. WHAT. It was pretty stinkin' legit. Brandi Carlile opened and she was legit and then my heart exploded because I love the Avett Brothers. EAGER So their new music I wasn't super into...and two...Read More
Sorry for my weird melancholy post yesterday, friends. Sometimes you just get a case of the Mondays on a Thursday. But now my roommate is singing "That's Amore" and our apartment is clean and tomorrow I'm seeing the Avett Brothers. Ahhhh. But today at 3pm West Coast time John and I are viewing another apartment, with applications in hand, checks prepared to be...Read More
Do you ever have a day where you just can't. Like, nothing bad happened or whatever but you just feel bleeeeeeeh. Or meeeeeeeeh. Or blech. Or blurgh. I feel that. I feel all of that. I definitely ate dairy. And probably fructose. Sometimes I get a liiiiiittle bold and I eat things I probably shouldn't because I feel invincible. I'm not. Anyway here...Read More
eating: so much kale. You guys. My teammates are so healthy and I'm lazy so I just eat what they put in front of me. Most of which is kale. drinking: Water and water and water. Also coffee. And wine. listening to: The Brilliance. I highly recommend. It's moody and artsy and calming and about Our Lord. It's legit. watching:...Read More
I woke up earlier than I normally do this morning which has allowed me to drink two cups of coffee instead of my normal, self control induce, one cup. And because of that second cup my mind is firing 12380x faster than usual. 1. This morning I decided that my greatest fear is not spiders or sharks, but that spicy pepper seeds will...Read More