1. I don't mean to start this post off on a personal note but I just need to know. There are many warning signs that my period is fast approaching; I get so bloated, I eat everything, sugar makes me lose my mind (legit crazy), etc. But the biggest one is that on the morning of the day I get my period I...Read More
Heather posted this amazing quote the other day: “Wouldn’t it be a shame if you were living a wonderful life and didn’t even notice?" She didn't post an author, which makes me think maybe she said it. She is very wise. And so hilarious. Or Prison Mike said it. You got a good life...you got a good life But I read it and...Read More
Recently I finished a great book called "Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness" by Warren H. Carroll and it blew my mind. Carroll has a PhD in History from Columbia University (also he founded Christendom College) and writes in a way that is historical and incredibly engaging. I thought I knew a lot about Our Lady of Guadalupe, but Carroll...Read More
So I was a little MIA for awhile... Har har har. But Hannah is a bit of a pusher and I honestly did miss writing, but for awhile there wasn't really a lot going on. Unpacking, organizing, cleaning, finding the grocery store, rejoicing at the price of food here (yes yes yes), and visiting Nebraska. I was back home for basically a month...Read More