Do you ever realize how much you need to do...for example, pack for your week at home/wedding, pack up all of your belongs so you can move after said wedding, solve all the stupids problems with said wedding, figure out what kind of black hole swallowed half of our wedding invitations in the mail, grovel to those who didn't receive one, ask if...Read More
I'm getting married in two weeks and this is how I feel: That's all. Have a great Saturday/Sunday depending on your time zone. ...Read More
Friends, I wrote a blog post on my other blog that I share with Hannah. You should shimmy on over there and read it, if you'd like. It's about John Paul and how I was angsty about him for a long time. Thanks! Happy Feast day of St. John Paul the Great! ...Read More
This morning was the morning when I was showering and I realized the date. October 21 and then I realized Halloween is next weekend and we need to plan a party and probably costumes. And then I'm shipping out Nov 2. So that's pretty stinkin' soon. Also, ask me if everything is done. Actually don't ask me. The answer is no. We are...Read More
As many of you know I am getting married real soon. I promise I won't dedicate every post to that, but I can't promise that quite yet. So we were also looking for an apartment because married people like to live together. But Berkeley is legit the worst for apartment hunting. We applied to maaaaaany different places, were beat out on all occasions,...Read More
--- 1 --- I haven't posted in a thousand years and every time I do this i feel the need to apologize so I'm sorrrrrrrry internet. I'm very sorry. --- 2 --- I'm getting married in less than a month. WHAT --- 3 --- Also, half of our invites never made it to their intended recipients so that's good. And by...Read More