Hey hey hey it's fat Monday.
I don't know. The weather is wacky here and I think I'm allergic to spring time. I'm not complaining, but my brain feels fuzzy. Name that movie (answer below).
I don't know. The weather is wacky here and I think I'm allergic to spring time. I'm not complaining, but my brain feels fuzzy. Name that movie (answer below).
This weekend was pretty exciting. Rachel and I celebrated Gaby's graduation. Gaby is, hands down, one of my very favorite people. She's a masters student studying computer science and she does web design and she's a native Spanish speaker and is my life-saver when it comes to Spanish Bible Study. Whilst walking over to the most adorable Indian place I've ever seen (if you're ever in Pittsburgh: Spice Island Tea House) we saw beautiful tulips!
I think tulips are the second happiest flowers. Daisies are the happiest flowers (Name that movies, it's the same one, answer below).
We also walked past this Carnegie Mellon building where Batman and Bane fought each other in The Dark Knight Rises. Bane reads the Commissioner's speech here. It's intense. I love Batman so it seemed like a great photo op. (A website proving it, in case you doubt me...)
Also, I love repeating patterns in photos! And that light!
CMU plays movies in a big auditorium and tickets are $1 and we saw The Lego Movie and it was hilarious. Seriously, so funny.
I wrote this "Have a great day" note and left it in Gaby's lab before the movie and when we went back someone responded. I appreciated it.
We had a POPE PARTY and watched the canonization of Pope St. John Paul the Great and Pope St. John XXIII. We made polish food (pierogies) and italian food (spaghetti) and it was awesome.
I also just cried a lot during the whole canonization. I love JP2 and I have grown to love J23. My bloglovin feed was full of beautiful testimonies about JP2 and how he impacted so many lives. What a beautiful testament to heroic virtue and love of Christ.
Are you ready to find out what movie it is?? Answer!
Head over to Blessed to Be for more Little Happies! And add your own. If you want, I can't tell you what to do.