Except it doesn't rhyme. Apparently an "ode" is supposed to rhyme. Regardless, moving forward! I want to be fair to the Bay Area. I know there has been a lot of griping and complaining on this blog about Berkeley, this area, CA in general. So I want to clear the air. Yes, there are many things I dislike about the Bay Area (constant...Read More
I'm a feeler. I think I've mentioned this before. There was a brief time in college when I convinced myself that I wasn't a crier or a feeler but that was a farce. Here are some things that are causing me feelings this week! //1// Stinkin' Nike Commercial This makes me cry. Sometimes just eye-tears that don't leave and (mostly) silent-slidey-face-tears. //2// Moving...Read More
Sometimes I don't publish a blog entry because I'm worried it isn't the "right" kind of blog post. Like because it doesn't fit some kind of blog standard (that I've made up in my mind) that it isn't good enough to be published. But then I remember that no one is paying me to write anything. And that this is my blog. And...Read More
It's Easter and He is risen. Let's just dive right in. This Easter hit me harder than any other Easter, maybe ever. I know that is a mighty claim but Holy Week hit me like a ton of bricks and celebrating the Vigil on Saturday set my weary heart free. John and I have been in the "achieving" mode for NPF since we...Read More