
media frenzy

a joyful duty 4:27 PM
If you are connected to me via facebook or instagram you have already had your fair share of this media frenzy. BUT I also have this bliggity blog so I can continue to enthrall you all. First thing's first: wedding photos. We got ours. All 23498984 of them. They aren't that many, but seriously there might as well be. So my question is,...Read More

seven quick takes

7qt 12:04 PM
It has been so long since I've done one of these that I went to Jen's page first...awkward. But super jazzed to link up with Kelly who makes me laugh and also makes me want to quit blogging because I will never be as funny as she is. //ONE// Like this cool and hip thing I do with slashes? I'm trying to stay...Read More

big fat nerds

a joyful duty 2:07 PM
People who know me IRL (in real life) know that I'm a big fat nerd. Harry Potter? I'm in. Lord of the Rings? So there. Doctor Who? Duh. Star Wars? Obvi. Video games? For days. Board games? A lifestyle. You get the idea. I didn't think it was possible, but I've become an even bigger nerd now. I married the King of Nerds....Read More

bits and bobs

a joyful duty 5:04 PM
 After reading many of Hannah's posts and finding hyperlinks to my own blog (and a big spike in views) I figured I should definitely pick it back up and give the people what they want. And by people I mean Hannah. And Lynn. I know that most people will not like this, but, I'm having some serious snow FOMO (fear of missing out)....Read More
