Prayers and good vibes

1:30 PM

I'm sure there is some kind of rule about this...I've read on other blogs (of mother's) that once you type out that your kid sleeps through the night they immediately stop doing that.

And I'm not superstitious but I might be a little stitious (name that show).

But I'm throwing caution to the wind and into the arms of Jesus and letting you guys know that on Sunday we are looking at an apartment to rent.

I'm sure you are like, wow what a let down. Not that exciting, Caitlin.

But you are mistaken because it is crazy exciting. The apartment hunting in Berkeley is like trying to herd cats with a stick and asking them to find a needle in a haystack. While juggling. Fire.

People apparently really want to live in Berkeley and apartments are (literally) listed for 5 minutes before someone snaps it up sight unseen. It is super annoying. We want to look at a place so we don't get suckered into paying waaaaaay the hell too much for some janky place that smells like cats.

So Sunday is the day when we go meet the landlord and try to impress him and then hopefully snap that place up.

I'm not going to give away too many details but...

cherry wood floors throughout.


Anyway, prayers that it goes well slash that I don't end up with a broken heart. Thank you.

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  1. YAY!!! I am praying that you guys get it! And then if/when you do you best be posting/sending me plenty of pictures of the high life in CA!!

