

domingo 10:13 AM
In middle school Spanish class we would sing a song about the days of the week. Fun fact: the week starts with lunes (Monday) because common sense. Things I get irrationally passioante about: why do our weeks start with Sunday? Why can I never remember that my week starts with Sunday? Anyway, the song began with lunes and then miercoles, jueves, etc. And...Read More

Prayers and good vibes

apartment hunting sucks 1:30 PM
I'm sure there is some kind of rule about this...I've read on other blogs (of mother's) that once you type out that your kid sleeps through the night they immediately stop doing that. And I'm not superstitious but I might be a little stitious (name that show). But I'm throwing caution to the wind and into the arms of Jesus and letting you...Read More

Not just treading water

apt 4:55 PM
You know when you move and you feel like the first couple of days you are just treading water? Just trying to keep your head above the waves? Well I finally feel like...maybe...I'm past that point. I mean, I'm sure I will feel it again BUT now all my stuff is (basically) put away and I have groceries in my cabinet and I've...Read More

7 QT: How on earth is it Friday?

7qt 3:43 PM
    --- 1 --- Do you ever have those weeks (months) where the last thing you are able to comprehend is what day of the week it is? Seriously, I don't know why this has been such a struggle but my days all run together and about 50% of them are Mondays. --- 2 --- My teammate Carlos is pretty much one...Read More

Napa Valley

#blessed 4:32 PM
I knew there would be a lot of perks to moving to Berkeley and being a missionary here. 1. I would be with John. That's the main one. 2. Berkeley is a cool place. 3. Our offsite retreats and planning weekends take place in Napa Valley. Game changer. It takes a lot of get FOCUS onto a campus, but it takes even more...Read More


familia 11:30 AM
A couple weeks back my family drove to Wisconsin for a family bridal shower for me. It was the first time John got to meet a lot of my extended family, so that was terrifying  exciting. My Uncle Bob loves taking pictures and he is a real photography nerd. Well, he's a chemist so he's just a nerd in general, but John loves...Read More

Radio silence

berkeley 11:14 PM
Okay let's just jump right in! Sorry I haven't been blogging. I basically started this blog so I could better document all the changes that are happening in my life so when big changes started happening...I stopped blogging. Whoops! So, good news... I made it to Berkeley! This is what we packed: Yikes. John and I for sure don't have that much stuff...Read More
