
7QT: Dance lessons

7qt 9:17 AM
ONE Do you ever see stuff about Pope Francis on facebook and just scroll past really fast? I feel bad but sometimes I just get so nervous about what people are posting about him, or what he is saying/what is he really saying/what is he really really saying. I love the Pope. I pray for him everyday. I also pray for his PR...Read More

I used to blog...

a joyful duty 10:32 AM
I remember when I used to blog. Those were the days. I had things to say and I could manage to articulate them in a semi-coherent way. Now, my brain is just noodles and dust motes and to-do lists. Nothing of real substance and nothing I feel is worth sharing. But I'm plunking myself down and forcing myself to string together some words...Read More

Final countdown

a joyful duty 5:49 AM
It's Wednesday which means that tomorrow is Thursday which will be followed by Friday which leads into Saturday and I will be flying HOME. I love missionaries, I love this job, I love being here with so many amazing friends, I love having super structured prayer time. And I am so ready to come home. We had a fancy dinner this past weekend...Read More
