ONE Do you ever see stuff about Pope Francis on facebook and just scroll past really fast? I feel bad but sometimes I just get so nervous about what people are posting about him, or what he is saying/what is he really saying/what is he really really saying. I love the Pope. I pray for him everyday. I also pray for his PR...Read More
I remember when I used to blog. Those were the days. I had things to say and I could manage to articulate them in a semi-coherent way. Now, my brain is just noodles and dust motes and to-do lists. Nothing of real substance and nothing I feel is worth sharing. But I'm plunking myself down and forcing myself to string together some words...Read More
It's Wednesday which means that tomorrow is Thursday which will be followed by Friday which leads into Saturday and I will be flying HOME. I love missionaries, I love this job, I love being here with so many amazing friends, I love having super structured prayer time. And I am so ready to come home. We had a fancy dinner this past weekend...Read More