We've been engaged almost 3 weeks and my mom has literally planned almost every detail of our wedding. It's basically the biggest blessing in the entire world. Between my mom and John's mom, almost everything has been decided. We leave for FOCUS training on Saturday so we wanted to get as much done while we were both in Nebraska and I think we've...Read More
--- 1 --- Stephanie pointed out that I effectively hid big life news in a semi-boring updates post (seen here). So in case you were thrown off by the boring title of my last post (no shame there), John and I are engaged! In a death match. Nah, engaged to be married. But maybe a death match; we're together until one of us...Read More
I know it's been a million years since I last blogged. The end of a school year is madness. Here are some things to get you up to speed with my vida. 1. Moving I moved back to Lincoln, NE on Friday. My dad and I drove 14+ hrs in two moderately sturdy cars and all of my belongings. It was the longest...Read More
True life: this semester (even though I graduated I still live by an academic calendar) has been rough. It's been really hard to live in Pittsburgh and be far away from my family and my friends. It's been beautiful to learn how to be more independent (dare I say, an adult?) and to give of myself and learn what this mission is really...Read More