
The "I'm fine" trap

a joyful duty 9:43 AM

Adventures and realizations

a joyful duty 9:45 AM
Feeling inspired by Jenna's Big Sur video (I don't even want to talk about my slightly creepy love of these videos and those families and how cute those kids are etc etc etc) and by this Verily article about breaking up with your tv. Yikes, preaching to my heart, sister. We live in Colorado now. I have not climbed a 14-er yet. Mostly...Read More

7QT: Making stuff

7qt 3:12 PM
Hooray for many photos (many that I already posted on instagram (follow me there))! //1// This gif kills me. The Pope and Cardinal Wuerhl and the whole thing. He's basically the cutest ever. I'm half sad that he's no longer in the US and half relieved that I don't spend all day at work checking in on him and crying when he kisses...Read More
